Thursday, November 30, 2006

There are many things that keep one from writing.
Among them, fear, sloth, confusion, unmentionable yet worthwhile excuses, or a simple lack of effort.
I'm afraid I've suffered from each.

There are many things that keep one from loving.
Among them, fear, sloth, confusion, unmentionable yet worthwhile excuses, or a simple lack of humility.
I'm afraid I've suffered from each.

There are many things that keep one from dreaming.
Among them, fear, sloth, confusion, unmentionable yet worthwhile excuses, or a simple wound from a hope deferred.
I'm afraid I've suffered from each.

There are many things that keep one from adventure.
Among them, fear, sloth, confusion, unmentionable yet worthwhile excuses, or a wilted perspective of horizons.
I'm afraid I've suffered from each.

There are many things that keep one from honesty.
Among them, fear, sloth, confusion, unmentionable yet worthwhile excuses, or simply being lost.
I'm afraid I've suffered from each.

There are many things that keep one from love.
Among them, fear, sloth, confusion, unmentionable yet worthwhile excuses, or a simple lack of courage.
I'm afraid I've suffered from each.

In the melody of a broken record,
The chorus rang in dissonant harmony.

1 comment:

KMH said...

There are clearly many many many things that keep one from writing, as evidenced by the lack of updated content on this site. :o)